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A revolution between your legs

Uresta is the breakthrough bladder control we've all been waiting for.

Verified customer reviews

Trustpilot logo with five stars, showcasing customer satisfaction.

4.2 (900+ ratings)

How it works

An anatomical illustration of a female pelvic cross-section labeled with uterus, bladder, urethra, and vagina. The diagram highlights the relationship between these organs.

Most of us start life with strong muscles that support the urethra, keeping it closed so urine doesn’t leak during daily activities.

An anatomical illustration of a female pelvic cross-section, with an arrow indicating pressure on the bladder. The caption reads: 'Weak muscles can cause leaks during moments of pressure.'

Over time, these muscles can weaken or become damaged, causing bladder leaks during moments of pressure, like laughing or jumping.

Illustration of a urinary system with the Uresta pessary inserted. Text reads, "Uresta braces those muscles to stop leaks."

Uresta is inserted into the vagina and sits under the urethra, acting as a support shelf through the vaginal wall to stop leaks.

Illustration of a urinary system with the Uresta inserted. Text reads, "You can still pee normally with it in."

With Uresta in place, you can still urinate normally as the natural pressure from urinating opens the urethra.

Uresta prevents all types of leaks

✓ Sneeze or laugh without leaking

✓ Run the extra mile, high and dry

✓ Enjoy the day without drips

Icon of a clock that indicates all day protection

All-day uninterrupted protection

Icon of laboratory glassware indicating research

20+ years of research and development

Icon of the anatomy of the bladder showing a droplet below indicating bladder leakage

No increased risk of UTIs

Icon of a stethoscope

Recommended by doctors and physios

A woman in her twenties/thirties lifting a weight, indicating strength and the ability to go to a gym in relation to using Uresta.
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Is Uresta right for you?

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Is Uresta right for you?

The results are in and leaks are out

Circle chart that illustrates 97%

Saw a reduction in leaks when using Uresta. ⁽¹⁾

Circle chart that indicates 90%

Continued to use Uresta after 12 months. ⁽¹⁾

Circle chart that indicates 94%

Would recommend Uresta to a friend. ⁽¹⁾

Circle chart indicating 92%

Felt more confident in public because of Uresta. ⁽¹⁾


Don’t take it from us

Uresta is widely recognized by the medical community

The FAQs

Where does Uresta go? Plus

Uresta is inserted vaginally and provides support to your pelvic floor muscles through the vaginal wall to stop leaks from occurring. Think of it as a sports bra… but for your bladder! It just holds everything in place when you sneeze, jump, cough, etc.!

Do I need to take it out to pee? Plus

No, you don't! Uresta is placed in the vagina and doesn't obstruct the urethra, so urine stays in your bladder until you're ready to use the washroom. Uresta won't block the flow or absorb any urine. When properly fitted and inserted, you should be able to go to the washroom (both #1 and #2) as usual. If you experience any difficulty, you may need a smaller size.

Do I need a prescription? Plus

Nope! Although many pelvic floor physiotherapists and healthcare providers recommend Uresta, a prescription isn’t required. You can easily purchase Uresta directly from our website here.

Is Uresta comfortable? Plus

Absolutely! Lots of women find the Uresta surprisingly comfy. Once you have the right size and you push it fully into place, you shouldn’t even notice it’s there. It’s comparable to a tampon or menstrual cup in the way it feels… some say even more comfortable!

Will it make my incontinence worse over time? Plus

No, it won’t! 

While Uresta isn’t designed for pelvic muscle training, it’s highly effective at managing bladder leaks. In other words, Uresta doesn’t strengthen your muscles, but it also won’t make your incontinence worse.

What about pelvic floor physio? Plus

The Uresta goes hand in hand with pelvic floor physio – many pelvic floor physios give us a big thumbs up! It provides immediate relief from leaks, which is super handy since it can take some time to see results from pelvic floor exercises. For some gals, those exercises alone aren’t quite enough to stop the leaks, especially during workouts. Sometimes you need a little extra backup, and that’s where the Uresta comes in!

Happy, active woman outdoors with a water bottle and gym bag. Sign up for the uresta newsletter for tips on bladder leak solutions and staying active.Happy, active woman outdoors with a water bottle and gym bag. Sign up for the uresta newsletter for tips on bladder leak solutions and staying active.

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Two women running in athletic gearTwo women running in athletic gear
Happy, active woman outdoors with a water bottle and gym bag. Sign up for the uresta newsletter for tips on bladder leak solutions and staying active.
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