Don't make do
Don't make do
Are we still doing this?
Sitting in our own pee and acting like it’s fine? Settling for an unsanitary solution passed down by generations of quietly irritated women? Can we not?
Bladder leaks are a huge buzzkill for 1 in 3 women, but we’re not going to let a solvable problem like SUI continue to disrupt our lives.
You deserve more than a glorified diaper.
We created the Uresta so you can adapt to your changing body without dribbling like a leaky faucet. It’s easy to insert, comfortable, reusable, and 97% report fewer leaks immediately.
Women have more control over SUI than ever. Let’s shout it from the rooftops (without soiling ourselves)!
It took a team of stubborn, slightly peeved people fed up with nonsense to say, 'Enough is enough.' Meet the rebels behind the scenes—the ones who thought, 'There’s got to be a better way,' and made it happen.
Dr. Scott A. Farrell makes a prototype of a pessary that women can fit and manage on their own, no doctor required, and starts testing early designs on his Canadian patients.
Uresta earns the approval of gynecologists, shows up in medical journals, and becomes one of the most studied SUI solutions out there. Dr. Farrell teams up with a badass women-led crew to keep things rolling.
Uresta, now helmed by CEO Lauren Barker, charges into the US, making it easier for women across North America to ditch the leaks and take back control.

Just over four years ago, Lauren traded her high-flying finance career for something more fulfilling—partnering with Dr. Farrell to bring Uresta to life. When she first came across Uresta, she was blown away by its brilliant simplicity. She knew right away this little device had the power to transform millions of lives and had a vision for how to make that happen. Fast forward to today, Uresta has gone from a well-kept secret to an essential must-have, helping over 20,000 women across Canada live leak-free. Lauren's favorite pastime? Reading all the heartfelt notes from customers about how Uresta has changed their lives (yes, she really reads every single one). Next up: taking the US by storm.

As one urogynecologist so eloquently put it, Dr. Farrell is a “big effin’ deal.” He’s a world-renowned urogynecologist—one of the first in Canada—and an early adopter of treating stress incontinence with pessaries. With over 65 academic papers under his belt and a textbook on prolapse and incontinence to his name, he’s got the credentials to back it up. He’s also held more senior medical roles than we can count, including a stint as president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. But his crowning achievement? Inventing Uresta. We’re thrilled to have him as our Chief Medical Officer and resident advisor.
Uresta in the Spotlight

Meet Lauren Barker, CEO of Uresta — a company offering a simple solution to a very common problem for women.

On the podcast, host Eva Hartling speaks with Lauren Barker, CEO of Uresta, a bladder support solution to stop urinary leaks.