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Why the size Uresta you need may change

Why the size Uresta you need may change

So, you got your Uresta Starter Kit and have found your perfect fit – nice job! However, there’s a good chance your size may change over time. This blog explains why your size might change and why it’s a good idea to hang on to those extra sizes in the Uresta Starter Kit.

First, let’s recap on what “perfect fit” means:

 ✔️ Your leaks have stopped or are significantly reduced

✔️ You can still pee when going to the washroom with Uresta inserted

✔️ It’s comfortable 

✔️ It’s not falling out

If you need more guidance on finding your perfect fit, we’ve got you covered - click here.

Here is why it makes sense to hold on to those extra sizes: 

  • Give your body time to adapt : Even if you think you have found your perfect match, your body might have other plans after a few days or weeks of use. Your pelvic floor might relax and need a slightly bigger size, or you might find a smaller size cozier. 
  • Different Sizes for Different Activities🏋️‍♂️: Many women realize they actually prefer using more than one size, depending on level of activity. For example, some women may use a larger size than their day-to-day size when exercising or running (think sports bra vs regular bra).  It doesn’t hurt to keep a larger size in your gym bag just in case! 
  • Estrogen Levels and Leaks 💦: Hormones can be a real rollercoaster, especially around our period. Lower estrogen levels can actually weaken your pelvic floor temporarily, leading to more leaks. In fact, 42% of women indicate that their bladder leaks are at their worse right before their period1. Sizing up during this time (or during other times of hormonal fluctuations) can provide the extra support you may need. 
  • Getting Stronger 💪🏼: Perhaps you’ve been working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist to strengthen your pelvic floor and now you’re starting to reap the benefits. Some women find that they are able to improve their bladder leaks with pelvic floor strengthening but still require a little extra support from Uresta. If you’ve been working on your pelvic floor, you may eventually need a smaller size. Additionally, some women find that full-body strength training can lead to improvements in their pelvic floor (the pelvic floor is only as strong as its surroundings!). What’s nice is that Uresta can allow you to push yourself in the gym (without leaks) to improve overall strength that can lead to improvements in your pelvic floor. 
  • Life Stages Matter 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧: Whether you’ve recently had a baby, are in your menstruating years, or going through menopause, your pelvic floor needs can change. Different sizes are likely going to be needed as you navigate these transformations! 
  • Your perfect fit may change 😊:  it is completely normal that your perfect size may evolve over time. This can be caused by hormonal changes, level of sexual activity, fluctuations in weight among other factors.  As a result, you may find that you would benefit from moving up or down a size over time.

If you’ve been using Uresta for only a few weeks but feel your size has changed – here are some common reasons why:

  • Your pelvic floor becomes more relaxed – Just like any other muscle in the body, it’s common to hold tension in our pelvic floor. Some women find after using Uresta for a few weeks that they can let go of some of the unknown tension they are carrying in their pelvic floor. As a result – the pelvic floor muscles are more relaxed and flexible. In this event – you likely need a larger size. Note – this isn’t a bad thing. Having a tight pelvic floor can lead to pelvic health issues, such as constipation, pain with intercourse, trouble urinating, incontinence, and trouble achieving orgasms.
  • You’ve become more aware of your pelvic floor muscles – Let’s be honest, it can be hard to identify proper engagement of our pelvic floor muscles. While Uresta is not a pelvic floor trainer, many women have noted that it’s allowed them to be more aware of their pelvic floor muscles and function. As result, some women see improvement in their incontinence and as a result require a smaller size.
  • Uresta has allowed you to become stronger – 50% of women experience leaks when working out and many women hold back during exercise as a result. With leaks a thing of the past, many women can lift heavier weights or push themselves harder during a workout. Our pelvic floor muscles benefit from improved strength through weight training and exercising. As result, women may find they need a smaller size.

I’ve been using Uresta for a while now, but the size I use is no longer working 

If you’ve had success with Uresta in the past but the size you're using isn’t cutting it anymore, don’t be discouraged. Due to the many reasons listed above – it’s likely the size you need will change over time. We suggest giving the other sizes a go.

Replacing your Uresta annually

As a reminder, we recommend replacing Uresta annually (more info on replacing here). If it’s time to replace your Uresta but feel your size has changed, you may want to try the Starter Kit again. If you’ve purchased the Uresta Starter Kit in the past, contact us at [email protected] with proof of purchase and we can give you a discount on your next Starter Kit purchase.

Sharing is not so caring

Just a reminder that while we’re all about spreading the word about Uresta to all of your girlfriends (because let’s face it, many women deal with stress incontinence), we do not recommend swapping sizes with your friends. Uresta is a medical device that is inserted inside your body, it’s a hygiene thing. Plus for the reasons above, it’s best to keep those extra sizes in case you need them! 

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